The Storyteller
The Story.
It all begins with a story an idea. First as an act of discovery ; shaping, cutting away, layering, over painting, under painting, drawing, scratching, listening and looking until it makes some sort of sense. It’s a messy business. Much of my inspiration is drawn from fables and ancient myth, these stories are rich in imagery and speak across time about our collective human experience. There are emotions and ideas that “stick”, they nag me or they whisper in my ear until I am compelled to address them, this may take minutes or years. This wondering and wandering has led me down some curious rabbit holes which is always a great place to find stories!
Tamara Kwapich is a professional artist working in the Hamilton, Burlington, region for the past 25 years. She has B.A. degrees in both Fine Art and Landscape Architecture from the University of Guelph. Her studio is located at 191 Grosvenor Ave. North, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Open Monday to Saturday 10am-3pm.